Earthsound directors James Bonsall and Heather Gimson have been helping to run Youth ECO-Challenge Claremorris – an environmental and heritage project at Mayfield Lake and Wetlands, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland – with Aine Carr of Clar I.R.D., artist Mary Noonan and Claremorris Community Radio. James, Heather and Aine recruited students from local schools and implemented the programme.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The twelve week project gave 15-17 year old students from St. Colman’s College and Mount Saint Michael Secondary School an opportunity to develop their own environmental awareness project in the Claremorris area through experiential learning. A range of activities were laid on and as the project developed the students created their own outputs via artwork, videos and podcasts that reflected their experiences.
The students also filmed a video of their efforts to transform a disused water reservoir (see video below) at the ‘Growing Locally’ community garden. The work was carried out as part of a practical action project, supervised by local artist Mary Noonan.
The programme was offered in co-operation with Claremorris Community Radio, Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics and Clar I.R.D., Claremorris. It was funded by the LEARGAS European Commission’s Education and Culture Directorate General’s ‘Youth in Action’ Programme and ECO-UNESCO ‘Clubs in Action’ Programme sponsored by Toyota.
© 2012 Earthsound Geophysics Ltd.